Use Infer In A Sentence With 30+ Fun Examples and Scenarios

Definition of Infer:

Infer (verb): To deduce or conclude information from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.

Synonyms: deduce, conclude, surmise, gather

Antonyms: state, declare, announce, proclaim

Memory Tip: Think of “infer” as gathering clues to solve a mystery, leading to a logical conclusion.

Conversation and Short Story Examples

Here is how “infer” can be used in a casual conversation:

  • Jane: He didn’t say it directly, but I infer that he’s not happy with the decision.
    Alex: Yeah, I got the same impression from his tone.

Let’s see how “infer” can be used in a narrative context:

  • As the detective examined the scene, he began to infer the sequence of events that had led to the crime. The scattered papers, the broken glass, and the overturned chair all pointed to a struggle. From the way the door was ajar, he could infer that someone had left in a hurry. Piece by piece, the clues came together, allowing him to infer the identity of the culprit. Though nothing was said outright, the evidence spoke volumes, leading to a conclusion that was as clear as day.

Everyday Conversations

Here are examples of how to use “infer” in a sentence during everyday conversations. Each sentence using “infer” shows how it might naturally come up in casual dialogue:

  • From her silence, I could infer that she was upset.
  • The look on his face allowed me to infer that he didn’t approve of the plan.
  • I can infer from the data that sales are declining.

Business and Professional Settings

Here are sentences using “infer” in a professional setting. These examples of “infer” in a sentence demonstrate how it can be applied in business and work environments:

  • From the meeting notes, we can infer that the project will need additional resources.
  • Based on the client’s feedback, we can infer that they prefer a more conservative approach.

Educational and Academic Examples

These sentences show how “infer” can be used in academic settings. Each sentence with “infer” emphasizes its relevance in educational and scholarly contexts:

  • From the experiment’s results, we can infer that the hypothesis was correct.
  • The researcher inferred that the data supported the theory.

Social and Cultural Contexts

Here are examples of “infer” in a sentence within social and cultural contexts. Each sentence for “infer” highlights its application in discussions about society and culture:

  • We can infer from historical records that the custom has ancient origins.
  • From the artwork, one could infer the values and beliefs of the civilization.

Part of Speech

Explore how “infer” is used in different parts of speech:

  • Verb: The detective inferred from the evidence that the suspect was guilty.


Examples of “infer” used in different tenses:

  • Past Tense: She inferred from his tone that he was angry.
  • Present Tense: He infers a lot from the smallest details.
  • Future Tense: They will infer the truth from the facts presented.


How “infer” is used in different moods:

  • Imperative Mood: Try to infer the meaning from the context, rather than asking immediately.
  • Interrogative Mood: Can you infer what they meant by that comment?
  • Exclamatory Mood: How could you infer that from what I said?


How “infer” is used in different voices:

  • Active Voice: The teacher inferred the student’s understanding from his questions.
  • Passive Voice: The conclusion was inferred from the available data.

Literary Devices

How “infer” can be used in various literary devices:

  • Metaphor: The silence in the room was thick, from which she could infer the tension.
  • Simile: He could infer the truth like a detective piecing together clues.
  • Personification: The evidence whispered secrets, allowing him to infer the truth.
  • Alliteration: The investigator inferred implications from indirect indicators.


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