Definition of Dissent:
Dissent (noun/verb): The expression or holding of opinions that are at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially held; to differ in opinion, especially from the majority.
Synonyms: disagreement, opposition, conflict, protest
Antonyms: agreement, consensus, harmony, conformity
Memory Tip: Think of “dissent” as choosing a different path or perspective from the majority, often leading to disagreement or opposition.
Conversation and Short Story Examples
Here is how “dissent” can be used in a casual conversation:
- Emily: Do you agree with the new policy?
James: Not really, I feel there’s room for dissent on some points.
Let’s see how “dissent” can be used in a narrative context:
- In a country where conformity was expected, Maria’s dissent stood out like a beacon. While others quietly accepted the government’s new regulations, Maria could not remain silent. She believed that the laws were unjust and that it was her duty to speak out. Despite the risks, she organized peaceful protests, her voice calm but firm as she led the call for change. As the movement grew, more people found the courage to express their own dissent, and what began as a solitary stand soon blossomed into a powerful force for justice.
Everyday Conversations
Here are examples of how to use “dissent” in a sentence during everyday conversations. Each sentence using “dissent” shows how it might naturally come up in casual dialogue:
- There was dissent among the team members regarding the new project strategy.
- His dissent from the majority opinion made him an outsider in the group.
- She voiced her dissent during the meeting, despite knowing it was unpopular.
Business and Professional Settings
Here are sentences using “dissent” in a professional setting. These examples of “dissent” in a sentence demonstrate how it can be applied in business and work environments:
- The board welcomed dissent as a healthy part of their decision-making process.
- His dissent was noted in the minutes, but the majority still carried the vote.
Educational and Academic Examples
These sentences show how “dissent” can be used in academic settings. Each sentence with “dissent” emphasizes its relevance in educational and scholarly contexts:
- The professor encouraged dissent as a way to stimulate critical thinking among students.
- His paper explored the role of dissent in social movements throughout history.
Social and Cultural Contexts
Here are examples of “dissent” in a sentence within social and cultural contexts. Each sentence for “dissent” highlights its application in discussions about society and culture:
- Dissent is often the first step toward social change and progress.
- The artist’s work was a form of dissent, challenging societal norms through provocative imagery.
Part of Speech
Explore how “dissent” is used in different parts of speech:
- Noun: The dissent in the group was noticeable, leading to a heated debate.
- Verb: She dissented from the majority, believing the decision was unethical.
Examples of “dissent” used in different tenses:
- Past Tense: The group dissented from the official stance and formed their own movement.
- Present Tense: He dissents from the common opinion, often challenging the status quo.
- Future Tense: More voices will dissent as the implications of the policy become clear.
How “dissent” is used in different moods:
- Imperative Mood: Don’t be afraid to express your dissent when you disagree!
- Interrogative Mood: Why is dissent important in a healthy democracy?
- Exclamatory Mood: What a powerful act of dissent that was!
How “dissent” is used in different voices:
- Active Voice: The protesters voiced their dissent loudly and clearly.
- Passive Voice: The dissent was expressed through a formal letter to the authorities.
Literary Devices
How “dissent” can be used in various literary devices:
- Metaphor: Her dissent was a flame in the darkness, lighting the way for others to follow.
- Simile: The murmurs of dissent spread through the crowd like ripples in a pond.
- Personification: Dissent whispered in their ears, urging them to speak out.
- Alliteration: Dissent disrupted the discussion, daring the debaters to defend their decisions.
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