Definition of Appease:
Appease (verb): To pacify, satisfy, or relieve someone’s demands or feelings, often by giving in to them.
Synonyms: pacify, placate, mollify, calm
Antonyms: provoke, agitate, irritate, inflame
Memory Tip: Think of “appease” as a way to “ease” tensions or demands by giving someone what they want.
Conversation and Short Story Examples
Here is how “appease” can be used in a casual conversation:
- Tom: Why did you agree to her demands so quickly?
Susan: I just wanted to appease her and avoid any further conflict.
Let’s see how “appease” can be used in a narrative context:
- The villagers were worried about the approaching storm. To calm their fears, the wise elder decided to perform a ritual that was believed to appease the spirits of nature. The storm clouds loomed ominously, but as the ritual continued, the winds began to subside, and the villagers’ anxiety was replaced by a sense of peace. Whether it was the ritual or mere coincidence, the storm passed without causing any damage, leaving the villagers to believe that the spirits had been appeased.
Everyday Conversations
Here are examples of how to use “appease” in a sentence during everyday conversations. Each sentence using “appease” shows how it might naturally come up in casual dialogue:
- He bought her flowers to appease her after their argument.
- The manager tried to appease the upset customers with a generous discount.
- She made his favorite meal to appease him after a long day at work.
Business and Professional Settings
Here are sentences using “appease” in a professional setting. These examples of “appease” in a sentence demonstrate how it can be applied in business and work environments:
- The CEO made several concessions to appease the shareholders after the company’s disappointing quarter.
- In an attempt to appease the union, the company agreed to improve working conditions.
Educational and Academic Examples
These sentences show how “appease” can be used in academic settings. Each sentence with “appease” emphasizes its relevance in educational and scholarly contexts:
- The teacher tried to appease the students by offering extra credit after the difficult exam.
- To appease the parents, the school administration revised the controversial policy.
Social and Cultural Contexts
Here are examples of “appease” in a sentence within social and cultural contexts. Each sentence for “appease” highlights its application in discussions about society and culture:
- The government’s efforts to appease the protesters were met with mixed reactions.
- In many cultures, offerings are made to appease the gods and ensure a bountiful harvest.
Part of Speech
Explore how “appease” is used in different parts of speech:
- Verb: The government made several efforts to appease the discontented population.
- Adjective (Appeasing): The appeasing tone of his speech helped to calm the angry crowd.
Examples of “appease” used in different tenses:
- Past Tense: She appeased her boss by finishing the report ahead of schedule.
- Present Tense: He appeases his critics by acknowledging their concerns.
- Future Tense: They will appease the voters by addressing the key issues in their next campaign.
How “appease” is used in different moods:
- Imperative Mood: Do something to appease the customers before they start complaining!
- Interrogative Mood: How can we appease the growing discontent among the employees?
- Exclamatory Mood: What a relief it is to finally appease everyone’s demands!
How “appease” is used in different voices:
- Active Voice: She appeased the child by giving him his favorite toy.
- Passive Voice: The crowd was appeased with promises of change.
Literary Devices
How “appease” can be used in various literary devices:
- Metaphor: He appeased the storm within her heart, calming the raging waves of anger.
- Simile: She appeased him like a soothing balm on a fresh wound.
- Personification: The forest seemed to appease her worries, as if the trees themselves whispered words of comfort.
- Alliteration: The attempt to appease the angry audience appeared ambitious.
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