Definition of Duplicity:
Duplicity (noun): Deceitfulness; double-dealing; the quality or state of being twofold or double in character or quality.
Synonyms: deception, deceit, dishonesty, fraud
Antonyms: honesty, transparency, sincerity, candor
Memory Tip: Think of “duplicity” as someone showing two faces, being two-faced or acting in two different ways to deceive others.
Conversation and Short Story Examples
Here is how “duplicity” can be used in a casual conversation:
- James: Can you believe he said one thing to us and the complete opposite to them?
Anna: That’s pure duplicity; I can’t trust him anymore.
Let’s see how “duplicity” can be used in a narrative context:
- Margaret prided herself on being straightforward, but she couldn’t ignore the duplicity she had uncovered in her colleague’s dealings. He presented himself as a loyal team player, yet behind closed doors, he was working to undermine the very project they were all invested in. When the truth finally came to light, the duplicity was so shocking that it left everyone questioning who they could really trust.
Everyday Conversations
Here are examples of how to use “duplicity” in a sentence during everyday conversations. Each sentence using “duplicity” shows how it might naturally come up in casual dialogue:
- I can’t stand duplicity; just be honest about your intentions.
- Her duplicity was finally exposed when both sides realized she had been playing them against each other.
- They were shocked by the duplicity of the company, which promised one thing but delivered another.
Business and Professional Settings
Here are sentences using “duplicity” in a professional setting. These examples of “duplicity” in a sentence demonstrate how it can be applied in business and work environments:
- The client was furious when he discovered the duplicity in the contract negotiations.
- It was a clear case of duplicity when the manager promised a promotion but never intended to follow through.
Educational and Academic Examples
These sentences show how “duplicity” can be used in academic settings. Each sentence with “duplicity” emphasizes its relevance in educational and scholarly contexts:
- The researcher’s duplicity was revealed when it was discovered that he had falsified data in his reports.
- The duplicity in her thesis became apparent when the sources she cited turned out to be unreliable.
Social and Cultural Contexts
Here are examples of “duplicity” in a sentence within social and cultural contexts. Each sentence for “duplicity” highlights its application in discussions about society and culture:
- The public was outraged by the political leader’s duplicity in claiming to support one policy while secretly opposing it.
- Many were disillusioned by the duplicity in the media’s coverage of the event, presenting biased information as fact.
Part of Speech
Explore how “duplicity” is used in different parts of speech:
- Noun: The lawyer’s duplicity became evident when his conflicting statements were compared.
- Adjective (Duplicitous): His duplicitous behavior led to a loss of trust among his colleagues.
Examples of “duplicity” used in different tenses:
- Past Tense: The company’s duplicity was exposed when the internal documents were leaked.
- Present Tense: She is using duplicity to cover up her true intentions.
- Future Tense: If you continue this duplicity, people will no longer trust anything you say.
How “duplicity” is used in different moods:
- Imperative Mood: Avoid duplicity at all costs; integrity is paramount!
- Interrogative Mood: Why would you engage in such duplicity when honesty is easier?
- Exclamatory Mood: What a shocking display of duplicity that was!
How “duplicity” is used in different voices:
- Active Voice: The politician displayed shocking duplicity in his statements.
- Passive Voice: The duplicity in the organization was revealed through an anonymous tip.
Literary Devices
How “duplicity” can be used in various literary devices:
- Metaphor: His words were a veil of duplicity, hiding his true intentions.
- Simile: The agreement was as filled with duplicity as a crooked contract.
- Personification: Duplicity danced in his eyes as he spun his tale of deceit.
- Alliteration: The duplicitous director deftly dodged the details during the interview.
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